I can’t think of a damn thing to say today.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I could put up a new image of my new funny ass shirt at my cafe press store.
But I don’t have that image on this computer. And honestly, I’m just too lazy to go drum it up right now.
I could explain to you all about the ass whooping I gave Avi over at the DIST forums… but it seems he was able to recruit a few more people to the dark side while I was sleeping last night. So now it’s less of an ass whooping and more of a heated debate in which I was clearly right and he was clearly delusional but somehow managed to confuse a few other poor souls into agreeing with him. Damn. I even showed my boobs.
But, alas, I have neither the energy nor creativity to come up with anything original or entertaining here today.
So why – WHY do I not just let it lie and go quietly into my day with no post? WHY do I feel absolutely compelled to put SOMETHING down here today?
I think I have some kind of blogging guilt. Or, possibly, blogger OCD.
People always talk about how “if a blogger doesn’t have anything GOOD to add, they should just shut the fuck up” (I’m paraphrasing here). And if I’m using my head here – that’s probably a valid point. If you don’t have something useful to add – just, don’t.
But, I just can’t. I simply cannot let a week day go by without an update. It annoys the shit out of me when other people I am accustomed to reading on a daily basis simply leave me hanging with no explanation. And we all know how I cringe at the idea of being something that “annoys the shit” out of someone else.
What is this strange obligation bloggers – some of us, anyway – feel towards our readers? Why do we find it so hard to “disappoint” a faceless mass on the Internet?
For me, I suppose, it’s the same ridiculous sense of obligation that keeps me sitting in my office most nights until at least five – even if I’ve stopped being productive around four. It’s the same obligation that has me running around like a chicken with my head cut off in the morning, racing to meet a self imposed deadline to be in the office by nine – even though no one else in the world would give two shits if I got in at ten.
It’s funny – isn’t it? And perhaps a little sad… the self imposed rules and regulations we make for ourselves, the list of things that simply MUST get done… all under the guise of not letting “someone” down.
“Someone” who – like you – probably doesn’t give two shits one way or the other.