Hey T, Buy Me Some Stuff.

When I was younger, before having the boys, I used to love perusing the mall and spending all my money frivolously on clothes.

I had no responsibility, didn’t have many bills, and worked a LOT. So I had a lot of money to do with it what I wanted.

Now that Im a Mama, and we are on a single income, I can no longer spend as frivolously as I wanted.
I still spend money on clothes, but I don’t have the time or the energy to take two kids under 4 to the mall.

So my best bet is to do my shopping online.

And the more one stop shop I can get, the better! That’s why I am in LOVE with Newport News.

They have the hottest trends and cutest looks, and they are reasonably priced.

Like I said, being a one income family I have to be careful about what Im spending on what.
I was actually extremely impressed with their Shape FX line. You can click on your “problem area” and look at the super cute clothes they have that help you to hide it or make it slimmer.
My biggest problem area is my tummy, and I am in LOVE with these Harem Pants. SO super cute!!

How about you guys? Anyone doing a wardrobe overhaul this Fall/Winter? Anyone else a recovering shopaholic?

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About the Author: Becky